
Categories: feminism, innersanctum, petroleum, society & culture

All right, so I’ve calmed down slightly from my earlier enraged post. I’ve reconsidered a few things. I’ve remembered that all is not all or nothing. I’ve remembered that, as of this typing, there is no second earth, and as much as I hate men, I would hate even more to live in a world without them.

My first realization is related to my own objectophilia. I have a tendency to eroticize electrical cables, electrical substations, and commercial air ventilation systems, specifically air ducts. This made me think of objectification, in general, and how we, humans, have a tendency to objectify women simply as consequent of our cognition. “Images of women were more often the subject of “local” cognitive processing, or the objectifying perception of something as an assemblage of its various parts.” [link: https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/todayatunl/1469/8272].

It is simply that: local processing is an analysis of utility, and if anything, women are reproductive machines, so, in a sense, it figures that our reproductive body parts are analyzed for their potential utility. And, it follows, a “machine,” ought to be “used,” or, rather, exploited. The article points out that even women view other women in a similar fashion, which also makes sense, as it is an analysis of competition, and I’m certain, too, that we pick up on subtle genetic expressions inherit to those body parts, which depict subtle clues as to the type of competition our potential offspring may be up against, should those body parts be put to use.

This has me thinking, yet again, about the relationship between civilization, economy, and sexuality. They’re all so strikingly similar. The recursive cycle of: procurement [analyze-possess-hunt], exploitation [consume-digest-exploit], disposal [excrete-annihilate-reuse].

But it also makes me wonder, from where does this come? Where does this instrumentalization of material reality originate? On the one hand, it’s somewhat obvious that women have a civilizing effect on men. Romance, cleanliness, the efforts to win the heart of a woman will turn an ape into a gentlemen, and there are many fairy tale stories to this effect. But it’s really true, too. History shows it, 20th century husbands repeat it: Men were idiots before their wives fixed them up. What is civilization but feminine expressions, if you take away the industrial supply chains and assembly line factory farms? Civilization, civility? It’s politesse, kindness, passive aggression that keeps the social surface harmonious, while beneath it, you’re plotting your enemy’s undoing. It’s tea parties, tupperware exchanges, pretty dresses, porcelain figurines, music and dancing, it’s serenity, calmness, languidity. It’s bed-rotting, cuddling, eating cakes and fruits, relaxing, cozily under the warm moonlight. In the feminine world, there isn’t a real fatal, threat, because the men are out there defending us, so we can eat our cake and have it, too. We’re busy reproducing, we don’t have time for killing. Who can say, really, since it doesn’t and hasn’t existed? It’s only my imagination that conjures this.

My point is that, civilization is sort of feminine, sort of docile, sort of gentle. It is true that civilization and socialization make a species more docile. Does this mean that the feminine is the alien, that civilization is the outsider, that the norm of primitive warfare, screeching ape illiteracy, and blood-lust are the natural norm, from which we have erred?

Or is it that man is the alien, and women are the natural heirs of our terrestrial heaven?

In the world of objectophilia, it is primarily men who fuck cars, who fuck machines, and who stick their dicks in engines full of gasoline. It seems that women tend to prefer infrastructure: bridges, buildings, and architectural monuments. The men, however, seem to prefer engines and machines.

Why is that?
Why the sexual attraction to gasoline?
Is not, too, lingerie, full of polyester, also petroleum?
Is bright red lipstick not petroleum?
Are women’s fat deposits: ass, tits, hips, etc, not hydrocarbon lipids?

The human body is an unlimited battery storage for hydrocarbons, in fact. What could this mean?!
Maybe it’s that we feed off ourselves, like stars. Or it could be something else, entirely. Let’s not speculate on the purpose, and instead, enjoy the mere potential.

As conspiracists always say: there are no coincidences. And we must keep this in mind. The truth is that men are sexually attracted to oil and shiny fat things (hydrocarbons). Of course they are. How else does a hole remain wet, allow friction to become pleasurable? Very fascinating stuff… The hydrocarbon aliens are up to something again.. kisses to them!

In any case, men are out here raping and being subhuman uncivilized animals. Women tend to think that we live in a society, but men maintain the jungle. Centuries of men sacrificing one another, killing of the younger ones in wars, genocides, ritual sacrifice, colonization efforts, industrial efforts, and the like. Women reproduce more than men, and have done so historically. It seems as though men have a biological interest in emasculating and killing off their competition. Of course they do.

But what does that say about society today? Rape cases in the United States are incredibly high [link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/191226/reported-forcible-rape-rate-in-the-us-since-1990/] We have the situation in Afghanistan, etc. etc. I’m not going to list everything here. You’re aware.

Well, on the one hand, it’s true. Society is more oriented towards women in many superficial, consumerist ways. School, or the “longhouse,” as I guess it’s called, is more or less stacked against the male brain. Credentials, homework, extracurricular activities are crucial in advancing up through society, and boys don’t seem very enthusiastic about learning. Education becomes feminine. Teaching becomes feminine. Literature and art become feminine. Hyper-masculinity becomes the only acceptable masculinity, as women encroach further and further into various niches of culture. Apparently, it only takes around 25-30% of a population to shift the tipping point and “take over.” Meaning that, if 1 in 3 employees in your workplace are women, the entire workplace culture is bound to become “matcha latte and a miu miu miniskirt” [so cute, not hating].

Men are effectively shut out of large areas of society, and have been confined to the pits of the online, where we can keep an eye on their devolution and emasculation. Horrible!

It must be pointed out that a major influence must be men’s fear and avoidance of ever being associated with women. Because men are the users and women are the tools. Because of this fascist hyper-masculinity? I mean, I’m not sure. I think it’s partially cultural, I don’t understand how men could abnegate literature and art when those things have and are still, predominately run and controlled by men? In high school, you just can’t seem like a faggot, I guess… unless you’re chad.. Then you can be as effeminate as you like, because when you’re chad, you actually cannot ever be (superficially) feminized. Though, “chad,” is often very much like a woman, both spiritually and sexually.

Well, this leads down the nasty pothole covered road of what is a woman? I’m going to be controversial, and say the first thing that comes to mind, as I so often tend to: A woman is a reproductive machine. Functional or not, deceptively or authentically.

Moving on.

Another point brought to my attention is that men think women innately matter, that women are innately useful, due to our functional or dysfunctional ability to reproduce, to give birth (does cumming not count, because cumming is like pissing to you? We might argue that men’s own self-hatred has culminated in their creation of the hydrocarbon runoff that is decimating sperm supplies, reducing testicle size, and causing reproductive cancers across both sexes). It could be speculated that the fact nearly 90% of women and only 40% of men reproduce, has left some lingering psychological anxiety, where men feel they don’t matter, because most of them will not reproduce. And, for some strange reason, reproduction seems to be one of the end-all-be-alls of human activity.

Reproduction is not, however, the main goal of humanity. The main goal of humanity is to devour the earth. The main goal of humanity is to extract every last bit of life and turn it into a dead tool (gray goo). Much like men like to do to women. Infinite recursion. Am I fucking psychotic?

So men think they matter less than women. They develop inferiority complexes, womb envy, they get resentful and jealous. They’re threatened by other men. They’re insecure. They build up big gigantic social systems to convince themselves of their importance. They build up big organizations that control and regulate human reproduction, to usurp that innate mattering from women, and take it for themselves. They build an external world where they pretend to possess the same level of innately being needed. Sort of like wearing a skin-suit of a woman, in a way. On the flip side, the hidden side, the side that men hate to admit: men need women for emotional support, men need women to feel like they’re men, to feel like they matter, as men. Men need women to rehabilitate and civilize them, to take them from ape to human. What is a man? Is the real fucking question.

Those ritual sacrifices of boys, those wars we sent them off too… They’ve just gone online, if they haven’t already kidnapped them in real life. These boys who fail at school, who have no place in physicality (and physical embodiment is a male area of focus), no place in sports, no belonging in their communities.. Obviously, they turn to the goddamn computer. That loneliness makes them search out anything that gives them a sense of mattering, just like women do. What type of men benefit from the neediness of women? What kind of men benefit from the neediness of men? Because men, after all, are still human… They end up playing video games, gooning, leaving bitch comments on social media, etc. etc. They become sacrificial fodder for the economy. To be exploited by porn algorithms, gifs of big tits, exploited by the dopamine rush of a video game, exploited, used, and tossed out without any regard, like a whore. That is many, many men, these days. That’s one of their problems. They’ve lost their integrity. They’d rather atomize, so dense and heavy, than form functional, productive bonds with others. They’d rather take, and take, and take, and never give. Who wins, here? The economy. The men spend on themselves, the women spend on themselves. The men hate themselves, the women hate themselves. The men search for dating and masculinity advice, the women search for divine femininity and tarot reading. We all fight, and no one compromises, and the environment grows more and more malignant.

What must happen when the avenues to a stable identity are obliterated? Do you go out and rape someone to feel a sense of importance? Cheat in an attempt to feel loved, like you’re powerful, that you could break-up a happy marriage? Do you test the limits of male power, and see how far you can take it? Lean into the worst parts of masculinity to see if there’s a single fucking thing there that validates that you’re a man? When everything about what you’ve been told fails you, what do you do? I genuinely don’t know. Probably, you kill yourself.

What I see is mostly concentrated to two things:

1. There are vested interests in getting boys and men to be absolute fucking losers. The same way the beauty industry preys on women’s insecurities, the masculinity grift and porno industries prey on boys and men. It is a human sacrifice, for an economic god, and the consequences leave both sexes miserable, less protected, less sane, more isolated, sicker. The poorer you are, the worse this is.

2. There is some sort of actual alien agenda involved in the way in which human beings regard the external world. The constant objectification of living material is terrifying. The constant analyzing and exploiting until sterile, dead, absolute devastation. Where did this come from? Why does it exist? What does it say about humanity?

Finally, I don’t hate men, contrary to my earlier post. I wish we could work it out, but it sometimes feels like negotiating with fucking terrorists. Because, well, we kind of are?

I leave you with these thoughts for tonight, because I’ve to be off to bed.

Sweet dreams.
I wish harmonious, moderate prosperity for all [except agents of social harm].


    idk if u remember me its mimi on twitter or I dont rly remember the username I had but it doesn’t matter
    wanna hear more !!!!
    – @saddig1talang3l_ on insta

    • omg of course i remember you! i miss your presence!!! and your beautiful soul that shines so bright i could always feel it through the screen!!!!!! instagram scares me so bad, but ilysm forever <33333

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