Securing a Sustainable Future for Licensed Non-Polymerized Atomic Isolate Individuals

Categories: psychic & love economy, society & culture

🎀♥️🌑 I Am Actually Very Tired and Shouldn’t Be Blogging At This Hour

💎🩹🛰️ But the truth is that these things have been heavy on my mind and I’m anxious!

Between ruralism fantasies, cybertopia fantasies and doomsday fantasies. . . It seems everyone has turned their back on #Reality. Reality as in, the material !

NOT THE FUCKING MAGICKAL AND SPIRITUAL. . . The material conditions that allow and sustain Rural 🤢 Living; The material necessary to power and build the 🤢 metaverse; the labor of extraction and depletion, the physical limits, and the planetary and solar chemistry that trigger apocalyptic climate events. . . The MATERIAL POSSIBILITIES that CAN IMPROVE LIFE. . .

NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE DRIVEN BY SOFTWARE! Have we totally surrendered our ability to imagine anything except software? At least use stable diffusion to 3D print new tools? Why would we put all of our efforts into one type of technology: computers? Let’s just touch the grass for one fucking second and think about the world around us and everyone and thing in it, instead of being a solipsistic egocentric fuck determined to make as much money for yourself as possible, in the most exploitative and dumbest way possible, and then run away and hide in decadent opulence like a coward.

But no. Let’s ignore all of those details and instead focus on how we can Buy Our Sovereign Survival. Buy Our Sovereign Right to Hedonism. Hoard enough Wealth to Win Survival of The Economically—and therefore, Genetically—Fittest.

If You’re So Smart, Why Didn’t You Survive Armageddon?
Let’s focus on dreaming our way into the oblivion of extinction. Let’s bury our heads in the sand and watch the light less grains shift like kaleidoscopes as the world collapses on the back of our necks. It’s virtuous to let the world kill you, it’s holy to let it riddle you with disease and to surrender completely to the flow of death.

It’s evil to try and survive, except. . .
When I’ve bought my thousand-acre house on the prairie and spent 20 000€ in solar panels shipped from and made in China with rare earth minerals excavated by slave laborers, a 7 000€ whole house reverse osmosis water filtration system, and a decade’s worth collection of 3 000 recycled glass bottles that I use to heat my living room—in addition to the wood I chop, trade, buy and burn in my chimneys.

Of course, I also grow my own food, and I look down on others who don’t. I deserve to survive since I’ve put in the work and they haven’t. I have my outdoor garden and my indoor subterranean automated greenhouse garden. I sometimes sell any extra harvests, but usually, I keep them for myself to store in case of a collapse happening.

The doomsday bunker beneath my 100% organic, natural dirt and straw flooring is stocked with another 5 000 glass jars that I bought wholesale from a global glass manufacturing corporation that has an estimated eight billion (USD) in annual revenue. I store my own pickled and fermented food products down there, and it took a good four years to harvest and can my entire supply. For air quality and purification, there are two separate industrial air ventilation and filtration systems that I purchased for close to 20 000€. When I bought them, I said that it was for a 30-employee office,, when in reality, it’s just for me and my two concubines. The technicians who installed it were easily bribed with a couple of thousand dollars.

I keep a set of six Amazon Alexa and facial recognition-equipped surveillance cameras spotlighted on the hidden, maximum-security prison-grade steel entry door. Just to be safe though, I have a collection of guns, and I always carry one with me. I often fantasize and worry about, if, during The End, someone unauthorized tries to survive alongside me. I might have to kill them if they invade and come for my private property, but I will humbly pray forgiveness and repent for both mine and their souls. Fortunately, not many people live near me, so the likelihood that I’ll have to execute any invaders is small.

In addition, I also have three surveillance-equipped drones that monitor the entire area of my property. The live stream footage of all my security cameras is fed directly to my new iPhone 18 Ultra Hyper Max Pro Alpha Elite. Finally, I have an electrified fence around the perimeter of my property, a refurbished Hummer outfitted with two assault rifles and a 4 000€ napalm-compatible flame thrower.

I am prepared for everything and will survive it all. I will personally repopulate the world. I am going to become the new Adam after the next fall. Patiently, I bide my time and ask for the obliteration of my fellow man. Most of my earnings come from investing in technology companies that increase social distress, civil unrest, inflame polarization and spread disinformation. I diversify in pesticides, cosmetics, and petrochemical companies to make sure I’m helping bring justice to this godforsaken world. There is no hope left for most of these degenerate sheep. It’s only a matter of time until their free ride of depravity and sin ends with the hefty check to pay divine retribution.

As far as my food supply goes, I buy my certified non-GMO seeds from the Garden Store—about a 50 minutes’ drive away—which gets its seed stock in bulk from Amazon. I then reuse them if the seeds are able to be reproduced. I drive no less than 40 minutes in any direction to reach any small part of civilization. It takes quite a bit of gas, but I have a bio-ethanol vehicle, so I’m only dependent on the fermentation of large agricultural farming surpluses. Though there aren’t many cars in my neighborhood, the industrial farming industry has made sure the soil is decimated and continually swathed in artificial metalloids and pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, and fungicides. The nearest river is totally awash in PFAS, solvents, hydrocarbon runoff, cyanide, mercury, and a whole litany of other noxious chemicals that have rendered eating a single trout tantamount to drinking a liquefied Teflon pan. I still go fishing, however, and always eat what I catch in my 139€ cast iron skillet.

Rainwater might be deemed unsafe to drink across the entire world, but I still use it to water my vegetable garden, give to my animals, and sometimes collect to bathe in, when I really want to feel one with nature. Only a fool trusts mainstream news, anyway.

Climate crises: droughts, floods, and arctic temperatures don’t scare me. Nuclear winter doesn’t scare me. The loss of electricity doesn’t scare me. I am entirely self-sustaining. I am a world unto a singular atom. These are my mantras and what I tell myself every day.

There are no doctors near me, and in the event of a medical emergency, I am hopeful that I will be able to reach a hospital that will send a helicopter to rescue me. However, I make a concerted effort to avoid paying taxes, and, in all honesty, I would rather God kill me naturally, than have science give me even a second more of blasphemous longevity. Still, I believe that with my lifestyle, I will outlast any bugman inhaling city smog, sedentary in front of a LED screen.

Going to sleep now. I am alone this week, so hopefully tomorrow I can begin the next section. XOXO to anyone who reads this đź’›
